VREW - 영상편집을 자동자막과 함께
💡 VREW is a video editing app, published from VoyagerX.
2020.4 ~ 2020.6
These are the features I worked on:
Removed maximum video length limit for processing (1 hour → no limit)
- The limit was mostly caused by the memory limit of the Lambda instance (256MB).
- I was able to solve this problem by splitting the video as chunks at the client side, request the operation of chunks concurrently, then merging the results.
Implemented a proxy server, which can connect a notion page to Google Analytics to check traffic, etc
Improved data structure handling cursors
- Was able to reconstruct the data structure of cursor, without modifying other modules of the project.
- This was possible by implementing a ViewModel-like interface to convert a new version of cursor to old model. Using this feature, we were able to test/release the feature in several releases, shrinking possible risks.
- Used
and its related packages to maintain data structure
Improved how user events are delivered
- Implemented a user event pool maintained at the client: this accumulates the user events and flushes to the server as batch.
- Desktop App: ReactJS, Electron + Node.js
- Backend: AWS, Serverless Framework